Kindle Once Again - this time for Walk, Hike, Saunter

 Last time I did this was Dec 2017. At the moment, memory of how to do it is pretty foggy, but luckily I have my earlier blog posts on this to refresh my memory so printing them out to review. (look for Kindle label in this blog to find).  This book is a little easier than the others - text and inline photos, a table of contents, but no index. Susan has promised it will be out in two and a half weeks, so will try to do that. My immediate issue is that I remember that I have to make some changes to the Indesign file before putting out the epub file that I will update for Kindle, but don't remember quite what they were. Pausing to read my prior posts, and to review Kindle code for Healing Miles . From my 2012 notes I saw that to get reliable chapter breaks, each chapter had to be a separate xhtml file. The default of Indesign is to put out one big xhtml file, but it will break on a style, so I need to be sure the current Indesign document (for Walk, Hike, Saunter ) has an appro...

Off Topic - squirrel proof bird feeder

I get enough comments-questions about this so that I thought I'd post it. Now I can just say look at my blog entry. I had a 10 foot length of 1/2 inch copper pipe left over from a plumbing project. I drove a piece of rebar into the ground at an angle and put the base of the pipe over it. The pipe also gets support higher up from part of the gate. The bottles are a two liter soda bottle (which we use in backpacking - carried 6 in the desert), and a one liter bottle. A faucet washer stops them from sliding further down the pipe. I did have to make a hole in the bottom of each bottle. The squirrel can run up the pole, but as soon as he steps on a bottle, they swivel around and dump him off. Sometimes he will get on the top of the fence, and divebomb the feeder, but usually he can't hang on and doesn't like the fall, so doesn't do it often. An aside, we've been getting some unattributed taking of blog content so inserting © 2009


  1. It works, but it certainly does not fit with my decorating scheme!

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